There’s a common misconception that career advancement for engineers is solely about accruing technical expertise. While that’s undoubtedly crucial, there’s a tipping point – the Staff+ level – where your impact shifts. It’s not just about what you build but who you empower.

As a Staff+ engineer, your success becomes intrinsically tied to the success of those around you. Here’s why this mindset matters, and how to embody it.

The Multiplier Effect

Your code might be elegant, and your systems robust, but they’re finite. What’s infinite? The potential of the teams you influence.

  • Mentorship: A well-placed suggestion can unlock a junior engineer’s potential on a project they were stuck on.
  • Process improvement: Identifying a recurring pain point and advocating for a better toolchain can accelerate an entire organization.
  • Technical leadership: Setting a high standard for code quality or system design elevates everyone’s work.

When you actively uplift your colleagues, you create a ripple effect far exceeding your individual contributions.

Shifting Your Focus

This isn’t about neglecting your technical skills. It’s about applying them strategically:

  • Be the unblocker: Your experience makes you a natural problem-solver. Seek out those roadblocks hindering others' progress and clear the path.
  • Share your knowledge generously: Document your learnings, give internal talks, pair program. Democratize information so others can grow.
  • Cultivate psychological safety: Build an environment where team members feel safe to take risks, propose ideas, and learn from mistakes.
  • Advocate for growth: Help colleagues identify their career goals and create opportunities for them to develop new skills.
  • Celebrate collective wins: Shift the spotlight from individual achievements to team accomplishments. This fosters collaboration and shared ownership.

Why This Matters to You (Yes, You)

Embracing this philosophy isn’t just altruistic, it’s career-defining:

  • Increased influence: People naturally gravitate towards those who genuinely want them to succeed. Your ability to lead and influence grows exponentially.
  • Enhanced reputation: You become known as a force multiplier, someone who makes teams better. This opens doors to new opportunities and projects.
  • Greater job satisfaction: Helping others grow is intrinsically rewarding. It injects purpose into your work beyond lines of code.
  • Stronger teams: When everyone feels supported and empowered, they become more innovative, resilient, and productive.

It’s Not Always Easy

The Staff+ path isn’t without its challenges:

  • Ego management: Letting go of the need for individual recognition can be tough. Remind yourself that your impact is amplified through others.
  • Time management: Balancing your own tasks with supporting others takes practice. Learn to delegate effectively and prioritize high-impact activities.
  • Navigating politics: Sometimes, helping others succeed means challenging the status quo or advocating for unpopular decisions.

The Bottom Line

The most successful Staff+ engineers understand that their role is to elevate those around them. By embracing a mentorship mindset, sharing knowledge, and advocating for others, you create a virtuous cycle of growth and achievement.

Remember, their success is your success.