In our drive for efficiency and consistency within our organizations, the concept of a centralized platform has become an important modern engineering strategy. Platforms promise to standardize development practices, streamline common tasks, and generally reduce the cognitive load imposed on engineering teams. Unfortunately, the reality often falls short.

One anti-pattern I’ve frequently witnessed is the tendency for platforms to become overzealous in their abstractions of underlying services. In this paradigm, the platform team frames its abstraction layer as a set of essential “guardrails” meant to guide developers and prevent costly mistakes. While the intent is noble, what frequently transpires is a significant increase in cognitive load instead of a reduction, along with a constraining of the very teams the platform was meant to empower.

A paradigm shift is required. To unlock the true potential of their platforms, leaders must advocate for a product-centric approach where platform teams treat their fellow engineers as the customers they are. By proactively understanding customer needs, pain points, and constraints, platform teams can transform their offerings into genuine catalysts of productivity and innovation.

The Appeal (and Pitfalls) of Platform Abstractions

Let’s clarify why the instinct to heavily abstract platform offerings often emerges:

  • Standardization and Best Practices: Platforms seem to provide an elegant solution to enforce consistency and the usage of battle-tested architectural patterns.
  • Security and Compliance: Abstractions can theoretically insulate engineers from needing deep knowledge of security or compliance concerns, with safeguards baked into the platform itself.
  • Reduced Cognitive Load (Theoretically): By offering simplified interfaces to complex systems, platforms aim to reduce the mental burden on development teams, freeing them to focus on core business logic.

The problem is that these well-meaning goals frequently break down in real-world implementations:

  • Accidental Complexity: Abstraction layers often introduce their own form of complexity, particularly when they deviate significantly from the functionality of the underlying service.
  • Constraining Innovation: Rigid abstractions can stifle teams with unique requirements or cutting-edge use cases that fall outside the platform’s assumptions.
  • Erosion of Trust: When platform limitations force engineers into workarounds or the pursuit of “shadow IT,” trust in the platform diminishes.

Platform as Product

The fundamental flaw in the over-abstraction model is a failure to recognize internal engineering teams as customers of the platform.  The same principles that make products successful in the external marketplace also apply internally:

  1. Customer Centricity: Platform teams must deeply understand the workflows, challenges, and desired outcomes of the engineers they serve. This requires going beyond surface-level requests to identify underlying needs.
  2. Iterative Development: Platforms, just like products, aren’t built perfectly on the first attempt. A mentality of continuous improvement, feedback loops, and the willingness to adjust the roadmap are crucial.
  3. Self-Service and Excellent “UX” (DevEX): Engineers expect a high degree of self-sufficiency. Great platforms provide clear documentation, intuitive interfaces, and an easy onboarding experience.
  4. Strategic Focus: Platform teams shouldn’t attempt to be everything to everyone. Identifying a core area of value and delivering an exceptional experience within that domain is more likely to lead to success.

Abstraction vs. Product Mentality

Let’s make this shift more concrete with a few examples:

  • Database Access

    • Abstraction Anti-Pattern: The platform provides a heavily restricted ORM-like layer that only allows basic CRUD operations, aiming to prevent developers from writing “bad” queries.
    • Product Approach: The platform team exposes a well-documented way to access the underlying database, provides tooling for query profiling/optimization, and offers educational resources/consultations to teams that need assistance with complex data operations.
  • Infrastructure Provisioning

    • Abstraction Anti-Pattern: The platform mandates a rigid templating system for infrastructure, limiting engineers to a small subset of approved resources.
    • Product Approach: The platform focuses on a “golden path” for the most common infrastructure patterns, while still providing a clear mechanism for experienced teams to define custom configurations when the standard path is insufficient.
  • Monitoring and Observability

    • Abstraction Anti-Pattern: The platform offers black-box dashboards with limited customization, assuming a one-size-fits-all approach
    • Product Approach: The platform delivers a core set of standardized metrics and alerts, but partners with teams to integrate their custom telemetry and define the thresholds most relevant to their applications.

Organizational Considerations

Transitioning to a platform-as-product mindset requires more than technological changes. Leadership plays a pivotal role in fostering the right environment for this shift to be successful:

  • Metrics That Matter: Define success metrics for your platform team that align with customer satisfaction and developer outcomes, not just technical implementation or adherence to internal mandates.
  • Incentive Alignment: Ensure that the platform team is rewarded for helping development teams achieve their goals, rather than strictly focusing on the platform’s feature list or its level of internal adoption.
  • Psychological Safety: Create a culture where development teams feel comfortable providing honest feedback about the platform, even if critical. Celebrate when platform limitations are surfaced, as it presents opportunities for improvement.
  • Investment in Platform Expertise: Recognize that building a great platform is just as much a product development function as building external offerings. Invest in hiring and retaining engineers with strong product sensibilities and a deep understanding of developer workflows.

Embracing a Hybrid Approach

It’s important to acknowledge that there isn’t always a stark divide between abstraction and a product mentality.  A hybrid approach is often appropriate:

  • Guiding Principles: Establish foundational principles that the platform should uphold (security, reliability, etc.). Let these principles inform the platform’s design but avoid unnecessarily restrictive implementations in the name of “protection.”
  • Tiered Offerings: You might have a “paved road” experience for the majority of use cases, alongside well-defined “escape hatches” for teams with specialized needs. This caters to a broad spectrum of developers.
  • Managed Services: For truly critical components, sometimes a managed service model makes sense. In this scenario, the platform team assumes more ownership but does so in partnership with customer teams to ensure evolving needs are met.

Beyond Developer Happiness

Let’s not lose sight of the fact that treating your platform as a product brings substantial benefits that extend far beyond developer satisfaction:

  • Accelerated Time to Market: When development teams don’t have to wrestle with the platform, they deliver features faster.
  • Innovation: Empowered teams are more likely to experiment and unlock new business value in ways a centralized platform team might not have foreseen.
  • Talent Retention: Top engineers crave autonomy and the ability to utilize best-in-class tools. A restrictive platform becomes a liability in attracting and keeping the best talent.


The over-abstraction of internal platforms is a seductive trap, often driven by well-intentioned, though misguided, impulses. By embracing a product-centric approach, prioritizing customer understanding, and iterating relentlessly, senior leaders can turn their platforms into powerful engines that accelerate their organizations, rather than hinder them.  This shift requires a change in mindset, organizational focus, and an ongoing investment in the platform team’s ability to empathize with the needs of its internal customers.

If you recognize elements of these anti-patterns within your organization, don’t despair. Start small:

  • Audit a particular pain point that engineers frequently cite about your platform.
  • Dig deeper with those teams to uncover the root cause of the issue.
  • Partner with them to pilot a solution that embodies this product-centric mentality.

Track the impact and use the success story to advocate for a broader cultural shift within your technology organization.