How "We are one team" Drives Transformation

In the high-stakes world of sports betting and online gaming, FanDuel stands apart with its commitment to a core value: “We are one team.” This simple statement holds profound implications for the company’s success, resonating deeply with the principles of DevOps. While DevOps is often associated with technical practices like continuous integration and automated testing, its true power lies in its cultural dimension. DevOps champions open communication, collaboration, and a relentless focus on shared goals....

April 3, 2024

Avoiding the Platform Engineering Tower of Babel

Platform Teams hold an important position. They are the architects of the internal systems and tools that power product development. Like the builders of the mythical Tower of Babel, they can either create structures that reach for unprecedented heights of efficiency or become mired in miscommunication and misplaced ambition. The “if I build it, they will come” mindset is one of the pitfalls platform teams sometimes fall into. Building on my previous article, while impressive feats of engineering might arise, these platforms can ultimately be rendered useless if they don’t fundamentally address the core needs of the engineers who build the company’s products....

April 2, 2024

Why You (Probably) Shouldn't Think of Your Company as a Tech Company

As engineers, we’re immersed in the world of code, systems, and elegant technical solutions. It’s a source of pride, and rightfully so. We solve problems others can’t even grasp. Yet, there’s a subtle trap many of us fall into - the belief that our companies are, at their core, technology companies. This mindset, while understandable, can hold us back from reaching our potential and can negatively impact how valuable we are to our organizations....

April 1, 2024

DevOps: Why Culture Comes First

DevOps promises a revolution in software development and IT operations. Faster delivery, increased quality, improved collaboration, and, ultimately, better business outcomes. However, the allure of shiny new technologies can overshadow the hard work required for real DevOps transformation. Many organizations fall into the “tool trap” - believing that simply buying the right software will yield the desired results. While tools are essential, focusing on them without addressing cultural shifts is akin to putting a fancy steering wheel on a broken-down car....

March 28, 2024

The Shiny Tool Syndrome

It’s easy to fall prey to the allure of the latest buzzwords. From Agile to DevOps, SRE, and the current darling, Platform Engineering - these methodologies and frameworks promise sweeping transformations and competitive advantages. Senior leaders, feeling the pressure to innovate and stay ahead, often find themselves demanding “the new shiny thing” without a clear understanding of their company’s actual pain points or desired outcomes. This phenomenon, let’s call it the “Shiny Tool Syndrome,” can lead to wasted resources, frustration, and, ultimately, a failure to address the core challenges facing an organization....

March 27, 2024