Merge Sort

Sorting has always been a popular subject in Computer Science. Back in 1945 Mr. John von Neumann came up with Merge Sort. It’s an efficient divide and conquer algorithm, and we’ll dive right into it. The general flow of the algorithm comes as follows: (1) divide the list into n lists of size 1 (being n the size of the original list), (2) recursively merge them back together to produce one sorted list....

May 25, 2014

Concurrent vs Parallel

In a world where we hear and talk a lot about making code run concurrent or in parallel, there’s sometimes a little bit of confusion between the two. It happens that many times we use one term when referring to the other or even use them indistinguishably. Let’s shed some light on the matter. When we say that we have concurrency in our code, that means that we have tasks running in periods of time that overlap....

May 6, 2014

Django and Jenkins

If you’ve read (and followed) two of my previous posts, A small help to get you into Continuous Integration and Let’s link Jenkins and Github together, by now you have a Jenkins server linked to a Github repository. While those two posts were a little bit more generic, this one will focus on building Django projects. Let’s call it Part 3 of this series. Building a Django project in a CI environment involves several steps....

April 15, 2014

Stacks and Queues

Stacks and Queues are two types of containers and as the name says, they’re used to store content. Predictable, uh? So what’s the difference between them, you might ask. Well Sir (or Madam), it’s the way data is retrieved. Stacks support what we call LIFO (Last In, First Out). Elements are inserted at the top/end of the container, usually called push and retrieved from the same position, usually called pop....

April 8, 2014

Let's link Jenkins and Github together!

If you read A small help to get you into Continuous Integration you now have a server running Jenkins and you’re ready to start doing CI. Let’s hook it up with Github. First step is to install the necessary plugins. Let’s go over to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins. Here, click Available and type Github in the search box. Select the Github plugins. To be sure, let’s restart Jenkins. You might need to refresh the page once it’s over....

April 3, 2014