What is GitOps?

The day was the 7th, the month was August, the year was 2017 and Weaveworks came out with a post entitled ​GitOps - Operations by Pull Request. Since that day GitOps has been increasing it’s popularity and gaining traction in the DevOps world. What is GitOps? Imagine the following scenario: we make a change to the infrastructure and a Kubernetes cluster is deleted. Fortunately the infrastructure is described in Terraform and (maybe) we get the cluster back quickly....

December 1, 2020


I recently finished Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think and I urge you to read it. It was enlightening. Hans Rosling along with his son Ola Rosling and daughter in law Anna Rosling Rönnlund took to heart the mission to debunk a few misconceptions we have about the world. And the best part? They debunked them with data. Some of them might seem incredible but are actually based on hard data....

August 25, 2020

Adding an RSS feed to Gatsby Chronoblog theme

When I started this blog I wanted to learn something new and so I decide to develop it with Gatsby. It was a new framework which would allow me to enhance my knowledge in the frontend spectrum and teach me a thing or two about React and GraphQL. Bonus points for the awesome documentation. After a few tutorials I decided to use one of it’s themes and settled on the Chronoblog theme....

July 14, 2020

Playing with loggers

Shall we spend some time exploring a little bit about loggers? We shall! Let’s do it. Visit the docs for more detailed information about the logging module. Let’s use a simple example, from the documentation, to illustrate the basic usage: def simple_exmaple(): # create logger logger = logging.getLogger('StreamHandler') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create console handler and set level to debug ch = logging.StreamHandler() # create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s- %(name)s- %(levelname)s- %(message)s') # add formatter to ch ch....

November 24, 2014

The bash bug

If you’ve following the news, here for example, you’re aware that there is a new bug out there. You can easily find information about it out there and how to fix it. We’ve patching servers and although we have the most recent one’s managed with Chef some legacy one’s are not. As a good practice I script everything, so this time wasn’t an exception. The script provided here as a gist, will help you check for the bug and patch it....

September 25, 2014