Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, isn’t just a desirable trait in a healthy workplace - it’s the cornerstone of effective collaboration and innovation. Yet, many organizations suffer from an ‘us vs. them’ mentality, a lack of empathy between teams that leads to friction, wasted energy, and missed opportunities. Within the complex world of Platform Engineering, this empathy gap is particularly damaging.

The Roots of Inter-Team Disconnect

Several factors contribute to the lack of empathy between teams in any organization:

  • Silo mentalities: Teams naturally focus on their own goals and priorities, sometimes leading to a narrow perspective.
  • Misaligned incentives: If metrics reward individual teams without considering broader organizational success, it discourages cooperation.
  • Poor communication: Lack of open communication channels or a culture that doesn’t value diverse perspectives breeds misunderstanding and mistrust.

Why Platform Engineering Can Be a Vulnerability

Platform Engineering is a field inherently focused on creating structure and streamlining workflows. This emphasis has several pitfalls when empathy isn’t prioritized:

  • Focus on technical elegance: Platform teams can prioritize technical sophistication over truly understanding the needs and pain points of the engineers they serve.
  • Control vs. enablement: A desire for standardization can morph into inflexible processes and a ‘gatekeeping’ mentality, frustrating other teams.
  • Assumption of superiority: Sometimes, platform teams unconsciously assume their technical expertise automatically means they know how everyone else should work.

Bridging the Gap

Addressing this issue requires a deliberate effort to foster empathy throughout the organization:

  • Leadership as model: Leaders must champion collaboration, break down silos, and make empathy a core value.
  • Empathy training: Workshops and resources on active listening, perspective-taking, and conflict resolution empower team members to understand each other.
  • Cross-team collaboration: Design projects and initiatives that necessitate close collaboration across teams, building relationships and understanding.
  • Customer-centricity: Emphasize that internal empathy is essential to better understanding and serving external customers.
  • Shared metrics: Align incentives so teams are rewarded for achieving common goals, promoting a sense of shared purpose.

Platform Engineering as an Empathy Driver

Platform Engineering has the potential to be an incredible force for empathy. Here’s how platform teams can lead the way:

  • Service partner mindset: Shift from a “provider” to a “partner” mentality, focused on enabling the success of other engineers.
  • Paved road approach: Create well-defined development paths that can accommodate diverse needs.
  • Prioritize developer experience: Make platforms and tools ruthlessly user-centric, minimizing friction and maximizing usability.


Organizations can’t afford the ‘empathy gap in an era defined by technological complexity.’ By embracing empathy as a strategic imperative, we unlock improved collaboration, innovation, and ultimately, a superior customer experience. With its unique challenges, Platform Engineering serves as a prime example of how deliberately cultivating empathy can transform workplaces and deliver groundbreaking results.