Problem-solving is a cornerstone of progress. Yet, a common pitfall in many organizations is the knee-jerk reaction to “remove access” whenever issues arise. While this might seem like a quick fix, it is a flawed approach that ultimately stifles growth, innovation, and collaboration. 

This article explores why “remove access” is counterproductive, and outlines a comprehensive framework for fostering shared responsibility, empowering engineers with the right tools, and establishing robust observability mechanisms to ensure problems are addressed proactively and effectively.

The Pitfalls of the “Remove Access” Mentality

At its core, the “remove access” mentality stems from a place of fear and control. It assumes that restricting access is the only way to prevent problems, but this approach is fundamentally flawed for several reasons:

  • Inhibits Innovation: When engineers are constantly worried about having their access revoked, they become hesitant to experiment, try new approaches, or push the boundaries. This stifles creativity and prevents the exploration of potentially groundbreaking solutions.
  • Erodes Trust: Removing access without proper investigation or explanation erodes trust between engineers and management. It creates an environment of suspicion and resentment, where engineers feel undervalued and micromanaged.
  • Breeds Resentment: Engineers who feel unfairly targeted by access restrictions will likely become disengaged and demotivated. This can lead to a decline in productivity, increased turnover, and a toxic workplace culture.
  • Addresses Symptoms, Not Causes: Removing access merely treats the symptoms of a problem, not the underlying causes. It fails to address the root issues that led to the problem in the first place, making it likely that similar problems will recur in the future.
  • Creates Bottlenecks: When access is restricted, it creates bottlenecks in the development process. Engineers have to wait for approval to perform even simple tasks, slowing down progress and hindering efficiency.

A Comprehensive Framework for Proactive Problem Solving

To truly address problems effectively, organizations need to adopt a more holistic and proactive approach. This involves fostering a culture of shared responsibility, empowering engineers with the right tools, and implementing robust observability mechanisms.

Shared Responsibility

  • Cultivate a Culture of Ownership: Encourage engineers to take ownership of their work and feel responsible for the success of the project as a whole. This can be achieved through regular feedback, recognition of achievements, and opportunities for growth and development.
  • Establish Clear Expectations: Clearly define roles and responsibilities, ensuring that everyone understands their contribution to the project. This can be achieved through well-defined job descriptions, regular team meetings, and open communication channels.
  • Promote Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and teamwork, fostering an environment where engineers feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking for help, and working together to solve problems. This can be achieved through team-building activities, collaborative tools, and a culture of open communication.

Empowering Engineers with Tools

  • Provide Comprehensive Training: Ensure that engineers have the necessary training and resources to perform their tasks effectively. This includes training on new technologies, best practices, and problem-solving techniques.
  • Invest in Tools: Equip engineers with tools and technologies that enable them to work efficiently and effectively. 
  • Foster Continuous Learning: Encourage engineers to continuously learn and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. This can be achieved through access to online courses, conferences, and workshops.

Robust Observability

  • Implement Observability: Implement comprehensive observability to track the performance and health of your systems. This allows you to identify potential problems early on and take proactive measures to prevent them from escalating.
  • Utilize Anomaly Detection: Utilize anomaly detection algorithms to identify unusual patterns or behaviors that may indicate a problem. This allows you to quickly investigate and resolve issues before they cause significant disruptions.
  • Establish Alerting Mechanisms: Establish alerting mechanisms to notify relevant personnel when problems occur. This ensures that issues are addressed promptly and effectively, minimizing the impact on your operations.


The “remove access” approach to problem-solving is a flawed and counterproductive strategy that ultimately hinders progress and innovation. To truly address problems effectively, organizations need to embrace a comprehensive framework that fosters shared responsibility, empowers engineers with the right tools, and establishes robust observability mechanisms. 

By doing so, organizations can create a culture of trust, collaboration, and continuous improvement, where problems are addressed proactively and effectively, ensuring long-term success and growth.